Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 35

Donuts! Well... donut holes. Always a big hit in our house, and likely to get snatched and stolen away if not hidden well. I love this photo of M, it really caught her eyes beautifully. I love that her eyes have barely changed color since how they were when she was born.

P showing his donut, and praying I don't take a bite out of it. Generous little boy, he almost always is willing to share food. Thomas... not so much.

J was so pleased to be big enough to have an entire donut hole to himself! He enjoyed every lick of sugar he got from it, and I enjoyed vacuuming up what didn't make it to his mouth.


kate bentley said...
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kate bentley said...

I just want to smush J's little cheekies! *swoon*